Friday, May 4, 2012



It's that time of the week where I turn the questioning over to Mama M and her crew and open up to you all for:

1. What did you wear to prom? Include a picture if possible.

I wore a long blue gown and I still have it in my cedar chest.


2. Would you rather be on the biggest loser or a food eating challenge?


3. Done fave sonic drink? Refreshing summer drink? (Hey, Kristina...was that a typo, or some "done good" Southern thing?)

We do bot have Sonic in Canada and I don’t drink pop however I have been turned onto “Sweet Tea” since I started visiting Charleston.

4. What was your first car, and what did you call it?

My first car was a Dodge Polaris (black with red interior).  It was a hand me down from my parents and when my brother got his license he let me borrow it from time to time.  When it rained it stalled and learned all about butterfly valves .

5. What's one thing your child or spouse does that sends you over the edge?

My goodness how many pages can you use on a blog. (just kidding!)  I have lives with D H for almost 40 years  so we both drive each other crazy.

I will say my son M talks about selling our house and finding us a nice retirement home.

1 comment:

  1. Love the picture of you in your prom dress. I can't believe you still have it.
