it is time to say good-bye to February. It has been the coldest in 20 years. I am so looking forward to Spring however Old Man Winter has other plans. There is a saying “ If March comes in like a lamb, it goes out like a lion” and vice versa. It looks like it could be the lion coming first. We are expecting more snow and white out conditions. Yesterday there was 96 car pile-up on a highway north of us. It took all day and most of the night to get the highway open again.
Sometimes I think I am in a pile-up as well. Not in the car but just with keeping up with family. Being retired does not mean you are not busy. Between keeping myself and D H healthy we also take care of our parents and grandchildren. When would I have time to work?
March will be a busy month and we are looking forward to it. Hope your Friday is a good one!
The statements:
- I love walking outside but not when it is cold and icy.
- Ice cream is my favorite dessert. Is dessert okay with breakfast?
- When it snows I curl up under an afghan and think warm thoughts.
- Once upon a time I thought I wanted to be older but now I’d rather stay young.