Monday, March 3, 2014



Acting Balanced

Welcome to Monday Quiz About Me - hosted by Heather & Wayne from Acting Balanced.

Here are the Questions:

1. National frozen food day is this week - are you a big frozen food shopper?  Do you freeze your own veggies or fruit? 

Yes, we buy frozen vegetables however our fruit is fresh. I have frozen vegetables in the past as well as strawberries which we use for our frozen strawberry daiquiris.

2. What annoys you?

People who are not courteous. Everyone is in a hurry. What makes you so special?

3. It's Wine and Food Festival week here in Charleston, do you have a favorite type of wine?

Not a big wine drinker. I used to like sweet champagne however DH loves red especially merlots.

4. What do you think is an appropriate age for a first cell phone?

Times have changed. When I was a young girl talking on the phone was special. We said our business and got off the phone. Today everyone has a cell phone. I think if you have an active child then they should have a phone especially those who are more independent ( around 10 years of age ).

My 5th question is:

Have you read a good book lately?