Monday, June 30, 2014



Acting Balanced

Welcome to Monday Quiz About Me - hosted by Heather & Wayne from Acting Balanced.

Unfortunately Heather and Wayne have been taking a break from blogging however today is our 41st wedding anniversary  and I would like to wish D H a

Very Happy Anniversary and Thanks for all of the wonderful times.


Sunday, June 29, 2014



Let’s travel the world together!

Unknown Mami

Now that summer is here, we have started to take our walks in the morning before the beach gets too crowded and there are still parking spots available.

Here is yesterday’s walk. ( D H loves trees! )


I’ve shown you mine, now show me yours!

Saturday, June 28, 2014




Canada celebrates summer’s first long weekend!

Friday, June 27, 2014



Half-Past Kissin' Time    

Feeling Beachie

This week’s co-host is Elizabeth from Silver’s Reviews. She came up with the last two statements:

The statements:

  1. I am trying hard to learn how to save money for another cruise.
  2. Retirement makes me think that I don’t know how I had time to work.
  3. When you try too hard, you can stress yourself out.
  4. Can you really have it all?


This has been a wonderful week for relaxing. So much slower than last week. We drove our daughter C down to Buffalo so that she could catch a flight to Charleston, S.C. She is visiting our other daughter H for a week. We only have to go back and pick her up next Monday. On our way back we had a lovely dinner with our friends N and M.

Our daughter-in-law M was also away with the 3 grandchildren. She was visiting her grandmother. We had no babysitting and the phones were quiet.

The visit to my parents was short however we had a good time. The facility where they live had a grand opening party. It is a new place with some growing pains. Hopefully they will get everything under control.

In the meantime I have read several books and enjoyed sitting on our front porch watching the world go by.

Happy Friday everyone!

Thursday, June 26, 2014



What do you mean?

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Today's word is MEAN

I hope people will say I do not have a mean bone in my body.  There is an expression “mean as you go”. I take that to mean that if you want someone to think well of you, you need to act well.

I think it is mean of people to be disrespectful to older people as well as young children who need help.

I wish I had the ways and means to take more trips this year.

Mean spirited people are cowardly and I am by no means that kind of person.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014



1. What summer activity most takes you back to your own childhood?

As I have mentioned before I was lucky enough to spend my summers at the cottage. Our days were filled with lots of swimming and waterskiing. I was a better swimmer than a water skier.

2. What's your favorite summer smell?

Steaks cooking on a BBQ.

3. It's beach season in the US of how do you feel about sand?

I am not big on sand. It gets between your toes and on your backside. Not a favourite of mine. Of course beaches in general are not at the top of my list.

4. Sun tea, SunChips, sunflower seeds, Capri Sun, Sunny Delight, Sun-Maid raisins, sun-dried tomatoes...your favorite food or beverage with sun in its name?

I love Sun-maid raisins. We carry a trail mixture in the car and it has nuts and raisins in it.

5. What's your favorite way to cool off on a hot summer day?

These days I like sit under a fan in the shade with a tall glass of lemonade.

6. Share a favorite song with the word sun or sunshine in it's title.

“You are my sunshine”

7. Tell us about a time you had an exceedingly good or truly awful customer service experience. If it was awful, did you report it? Ever go back there again?

I have always been big on customer service. I worked as a customer service rep my whole career. My biggest pet peeve is with cashiers. Before technology improved a cashier used to have to count back to make change. Today the computers do the work for them. They now hand you your money bills first and change last however the change can fall out of your hand and it takes twice as long to put the money in your wallet. Men don’t mind so much because they close their hands and put everything in their pocket. I trained my reps to always give the coin first and the paper money second. I don’t have this problem too often anymore because I use a credit card for most of my purchases.

I have told cashiers the proper way to make change and if I go back to the same cashier and she doesn’t give me my coins first I will dump the money.

I have been known to push for something if it is not right and I have walked out without purchasing anything if I don’t like the service.

Has anyone paid attention to the movie “Pretty Woman” with Julia Roberts where she goes into a store and they talk down to her? I have used that clip many times in my training sessions. I have also experienced the difference in clients who come in dressed to the nines and covered in jewellry. They are the ones who usually can’t pay their phone bill. The fellow coming into the store in blue jeans and a baseball cap usually has the most money to spend and expects the best because he can afford it.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

This is going to be a slower week. All of our children are away. We have no babysitting or chauffeuring to do. The siding is done and the Protection on the wires are down. I am getting some reading done and just relaxing. Have a good week everyone!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014



Time out for Mom

This will be the last coffee chat until September as Les is taking the summer off to spend time with your 3 adorable children. Who can blame her?

Tuesday, June 24/14

Turn Offs.  What makes you go "eeeewwww."

-I think I am a very tolerant person however DH would probably disagree. What upsets me these days Weeelllll here is my list:

1. Parents who take their children shopping and then get upset with them because they want up or they grab the candy at the check out counter. Parents need to realize that a child’s point of view is limited by their height. Please get on your knees to their level and see the world from their angle. Believe me when I tell you that all they see are fat asses. The marketing people also understand the strategy of giving access to the products that are more desirable however not healthy. Baby food for example – the meat and vegetables are at the bottom and the fruit and sugary options are at cart level for the baby to notice. The same can be said for cereal. Check it out next time you are shopping.

2. Road hogs! Why are you more important than me? Just because I leave a car space between us doesn’t mean you have the right to race in and take it. If there is a long line of cars you shouldn’t come up on the right and expect to get in ahead of everyone else who is waiting their turn. I am just as important as you, maybe even more!

3. Bicycle riders who do not obey the traffic rules. The sidewalks are for pedestrians not for you to zip around traffic. If cars have to stop for a red light so do you. Riding a bike in a park means that you have to give way to the walkers.

4. Walkers on the sidewalk. My husband and I walk around our neighbourhood. The sidewalks are not very wide so when we meet someone coming the other way we form a single line however we do not get the same respect from other people. Why can’t you form a single line to pass me as well? Unfortunately I will probably walk into you since you didn’t give me a space. I know in some countries you walk on the right and in other countries you walk on the left. I respect that, just give me room.

5. I haven’t even brought cell phone use at the wrong times or unclean washrooms. I will save those for another time.

Have a good summer and I will see you in September!

Sunday, June 22, 2014



Let’s travel the world together!

Unknown Mami

The first day of summer and everything is coming up roses!





I’ve shown you mine, now show me yours!

Saturday, June 21, 2014




Very busy weekend! Lots of driving!

Friday, June 20, 2014



Half-Past Kissin' Time      

Feeling Beachie    


Good Friday everyone. It is time to join Mrs. 4444 for Friday Fragments and Hilary at feeelingbeachie.

As the first week back from our vacation we have fit in a lot of things from our to-do list. The siding is on the house. It only took a day and a half and it looks good. Now we wait for the bill and start paying for it.

We had another visit to the doctor to get our prescriptions set up. DH and I are both doing well. Our weight and B P are good. I have an appointment with the dentist because the chipped tooth that had a temporary fix from 20 years ago needs to be fixed again.

It is time to see the hairdresser as well. How does hair grow so fast?

We spent time with the grandchildren both on Sunday for father’s Day and on Wednesday for our usual babysitting time. D H came with me because some electrical work was required. Our grandson loves to see Grampy come because he takes him outside. T carries Grampy’s shoes from the front to the back and waits for him by the door.

Our granddaughter F seems to find my lap and loves to read through all of her books. She is also helping me tell the stories. This week it was “The paper bag princess” that got the most reads. Our other granddaughter E worked with her science magazine to learn a few little known facts about plants and animals.

It has been a busy week and we have an even busier weekend. It is good to be busy. Hope you are too!

The statements:

  1. I love being retired. How did I ever have time to work?
  2. Once I was young but now I am young at heart.
  3. there is a special love between my husband and I. We have 41 years together.
  4. Did you ever wish your family could all be together all of the time?

Thursday, June 19, 2014



Can you catch?
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I am joining Brenda from BYG Adventures for Pondering. Today’s word is


This word has lots of meanings!

Catch a ball as in football, baseball or basketball.

A catch on a piece of jewellry.

Have you ever had a sweater catch on a piece of wood?

DH often orders the Catch of the day when he goes out to a restaurant.

Of course when a baby is born, a doctor catches it in his arms.

At this time of year no one wants to catch a cold or worse.

Did you ever watch the movie “To catch a thief”?

What about running to catch a bus!

I hope this blog will catch on with more people.

What else can you catch?

Catch you later!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014



1. Since you weren't Hodgepodging last Wednesday, how did you pass the time?

I posted a picture for Wordless Wednesday. I don’t participate every week because DH is my photographer and he doesn’t always have pictures for me.

2. What's the first word that comes to mind when I say marriage? Yes, one word.


3. Summer officially arrives in the Northern hemishpere later this week. Does it feel like summer where you live? Describe your idea of the perfect summer day.

We are enjoying a late spring which is fine by me. We have not put in our window air conditioners yet. I actually like it. D H and I enjoy walking so we get out nearly every day. I really am not a sun and hot kind of girl.

4. "Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability."(Sam Keen) Is laziness ever respectable? Do you have a lazy summer planned, or something semi-ambitious?

This summer is fairly lazy. We have some theatre trips planned as well as our daughter and her family are coming for a visit.

5. Past or present, who's your favorite television dad? Why is he a favorite? Is he anything like your own dad?

I can’t think of a favourite Dad. No one on TV is like my Dad.

6. June 18th is International Picnic Day...share a favorite picnic memory.

Some of our favourite picnics were at the cottage. Mom and my brother and sisters would take the boat out across the lake where we would have lunch and pick blueberries.

7. The travel site Trip Advisor lists the top five islands in the world for 2014 as- Ambergris Caye in Belize Cayes, Providenciales in Turks and Caicos, Bora Bora in French Polynesia, Marco Island Florida, and Lewis and Harris in The Outer Hebrides (Scotland). Have you been to any of these? Of those listed (and if price were not a factor) which would you most like to book for a holiday?

If price was no object I would love to visit Bora Bora because it is on the way to Australia and New Zealand.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Our siding on our house is done. We have seen the doctor and have appointments to see the dentist as well as the hairdresser. We have some big drives ahead of us next week as we drive to see my parents and take our daughter C to the airport. Hopefully the price of gas will go down.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014



Time out for Mom

Tuesday, June 17/14

What  makes you feel the most confident/attractive/sexy?

Age has a lot to do with how we thinks of ourselves. When I was younger I tried to maintain my weight. I kept my hair dyed to hide the gray. I wore high heel shoes and trendy outfits. Now that I am retired I can sit back and relax.

I am trying not to gain anymore weight however my body shape is a pear. I am short, fat and wide however I can still hug my grandchildren and a lap they sit on for reading. I wear comfortable clothes and shoes appropriate to the occasion mostly flats or walking shoes. I still love my jewellry and I figure people will look at the jewellry and ignore the rest of me.

Am I sexy? D H thinks so and he is the only one who matters.

I learn a long time ago that this is me and if I want to be happy I don’t worry about what other people think.

Have a wonderful, happy week!

Monday, June 16, 2014



Acting Balanced

Welcome to Monday Quiz About Me - hosted by Heather & Wayne from Acting Balanced.  We are continuing to answer questions together.  A special shout out this week to Judy from Retired-not-Tired for getting Heather off her butt and getting the questions up!

Here are the Questions:

1. It was Father's Day in North America this weekend, share something special about a dad in your life:

My Dad has alzheimer’s, however he is a self-made man. He practically raised himself. His mother passed away when he was 8 years old. He was the youngest of 8 children and was an uncle when he was born. I used to say that I had an aunt older than my grandmother because he had sisters older than my mother’s mother. He owned his own business for more than 50 years and at one time it supported 7 families. He has inspired me to achieve my dreams and for that I have much to be thankful for. Love you Dad!

2. Today is Fresh Veggies day - what is your favorite veggie to have fresh - raw or cooked?

I have to pick 2. I love broccoli and cauliflower. I can eat them raw or cooked especially with a cheese sauce.

3. Wednesday is National Splurge Day - if money was no object, what would you splurge on?

Any one who knows me knows the answer to this question would be on a cruise, especially to Australia and New Zealand.

4. Do you like to walk? Where is your favorite place to walk?

I love to walk. Most of the time it is just around our neighbourhood however I do like our beach walk as well. With the price of gas sky rocketing we walk to the grocery stores whenever we can.

My 5th question is:

All of our neighbours have big home renovation projects on the go and we just completed putting siding on our house, so do you have a major renovation in your future?

Sunday, June 15, 2014



Let’s travel the world together!

Unknown Mami

Pictures from our recent trip to Charleston. D H loves his trees‘


Happy Father’s Day!

I’ve shown you mine, now show me yours!

Saturday, June 14, 2014




We’re home and getting things done!

Friday, June 13, 2014



Feeling Beachie

We are back home. We had a wonderful drive back. It was worth the extra driving to stay in a nice hotel. The hotel was a little further away than we normally stop however the last part of the drive was easier. I managed to stop at the Canadian outlet mall to get my new bathing suits as well as another pair of slippers.

Now that we are home it is time to get back to a routine. We have the installers coming today to put up the siding. Hopefully it won’t take too long.

Yesterday we attended granddaughter E’s kindergarten graduation. Grampy took pictures while I took grandson T for a walk. He had a little nap and I had one when I got home. We also voted yesterday in our provincial election.

Vacations are lovely however we do have to get back to reality.

The statements: Today’s co-host is Pam (she came up with the last two statements)

  1. Summer is finally here.
  2. Do you ever wonder if you will do everything on your bucket list.
  3. When I relax I knit or crochet because I need to keep my hands occupied.
  4. the one food I only eat at a restaurant is pizza because we don’t make it ourselves. 

Thursday, June 12, 2014



Watch me!

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It is always a pleasure to join Brenda at BYG Adventures to ponder words with many meanings.

Today's word is WATCH!

I love to wear a watch. I consider it a fashion accessory however I don’t read them very well anymore. I am also cheap and look for watches that cost no more than $10. I have a drawer full of used watches that need new batteries, however a battery usually costs more than $10 so I just buy different watches. I do own a very expensive watch that my parents gave me when I graduated Grade 8 and again I don’t use it because it costs a fortune to keep it running. It also needs to be wound up to keep it going.

Have you ever seen a ring watch? I have one of those as well. Years ago when I was in Switzerland I couldn’t decide between a cameo ring or a watch so I got a cameo ring watch. I gave it to my mother who has since returned it me. I have owned pendant watches as well as wrist watches. I have gold, silver, pearl and black watches. Although if I want to know what time it is I check the microwave or the telephone because they tell time in a digital fashion.

Just the other day, we had a power failure while we were in Charleston S.C. The alarm clock was flashing so I reset it because we had to get up early to return home. I read my watch and then set the clock one hour earlier so instead of getting up at 5:30 am we got up at 4:30 am. My poor son-in-law thought we wanted to leave their hospitality even earlier than we said.

Of course watch can also be used as a warning. Watch out! You can watch a pot boil or your grandchildren play in the playground. We love to watch plays and television. I love to watch the birds flying around and watch the flowers grow in the garden.

You can be a spectator and watch a ports game. You can keep an eye out for criminals and we have a Neighbourhood Watch!

When driving on the highway be sure to watch out for policemen who are looking for speeders and unsafe drivers.

What do you watch out for?

Monday, June 9, 2014



Tuesday, June 10/14

Finish the following:    You know a book is really good when _________

You can’t put it down even when the house needs cleaning, the laundry is piling up and the children are going crazy. I love to read. I carry a book wherever I go. I used to read about 1000 pages a day, then work got in the way. I have even been known to read and knit at the same time. I gave up watching television for about 8 years.

I read “Gone with the wind” in one day. Of course I wasn’t married, lived at home and was sick in bed.

I know a book is good when I want share it with other people. Since retiring I have read many books and made lots of trips to the local library. I also get books given to me by my daughter and do some reviews for her. I reviewed 2 books in just the last week. The reviews can be found at

I used to read a lot of romance books because they were easy to pick up and put done however since I started cruising I have joined the book clubs on board the ships. My mother has also given me lots of books. She really likes biographies as well as the memoirs of people she has met.

You know a book is really good when you want to share it! Please pop over to Leslie’s blog at:

Time out for Mom

Happy Summer Reading Everyone!

Sunday, June 8, 2014



Acting Balanced

Welcome to Monday Quiz About Me - hosted by Heather & Wayne from Acting Balanced.  We are continuing to answer questions together.  A special shout out this week to Judy from Retired-not-Tired for getting Heather off her butt and getting the questions up!

Here are the Questions:

1. It's email week - do you still use email for communication?  How do you keep in touch with most people?

I use a lot of emails to communicate with my friends. I loved writing letters and using snail mail however I have replaced it with emails.

2. Today is Donald Duck Day - in his honour, we're asking what makes you Quackers?

I get all quacked up by my grandchildren. They keep me in stitches most of the time.

3. Tomorrow is Iced Tea Day - sweet or unsweet? flavored? lemon?  not at all?

I have learned to like sweet tea however I won’t drink plain tea and add sugar because it just doesn’t taste the same.

4. How is your garden growing?

D H is the gardener in the family. We grow a lot of perennials such as hostas and primrose as well as azaleas. We lost our Rhode drum to the cold weather.

My 5th question is:

Have you read a good book lately?



Let’s travel the world together!

Unknown Mami

We took the grandsons to Charlestown Landing on Saturday and although we have been many times before it is always seems we see something new.






I’ve shown you mine, now show me yours!

Saturday, June 7, 2014



Vacation almost over, back home soon!

Friday, June 6, 2014





Feeling Beachie

I am writing this frag from Charleston South Carolina. We are visiting our grandchildren until next week. We have had the pleasure of attending our grandson L’s school concert as well as his last day of class. He is now on vacation and is enjoying his leisure time. His big sister R is also glad that school is done for another. She had to write a few exams which meant lots of studying.

We have managed to get some swimming as well as a visit to the Fire Museum. D H and I actually went to the Outlet Mall and came away with absolutely nothing. Besides all of the play I have also written 2 book reviews. They are on Heather’s website:

Today’s co-host is Eloquent Obi – she came up with the last two statements!

The statements:

  1.   Mornings is the best time to work on the computer.
  2.   I think my grandchildren the best in the world. I may be a little biased.
  3. I feel ambivalent about sports
  4. Kisses are better with hugs.

Have a wonderful Friday!

Thursday, June 5, 2014



Fire it up!

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This is the last of the two part series given by Rory over at Time out For Mom

Today's word is FIRE 

The first thought to come to my mind was “Light my Fire” by The Doors. D H lights my fire too. Sometimes it just hot under the collar however other times!

I love a camp fire as a well as a fire in the fireplace even though I don’t have one in my home.

Of course DH fires up a mean grill. My favourite is DH’s hamburgers.

I have never been fired from a job to which I am eternally grateful.

What gets you fired up?

Tuesday, June 3, 2014



There will not be a Hodgepodge link up next week (Wednesday, June 11th), but we will be back to our regularly scheduled programming the following week (Wednesday, June 18th). Thanks for understanding!

1. I've read several posts and status updates recently describing end of year school field trips. Do you remember taking school field trips as a kid? Where did you go and do you recall a favorite? For any parents responding today, have you ever chaperoned a school field trip, and if so where?

We used to take field trip at the end of the year. One trip I remember well was in 1967. It was Canada’s centennial year and we hosted the World Expo in Montreal. I was in grade 10. We had a wonderful time.

2. What's something you're tired of seeing online?

We get a lot of promotions in our e-mail which are listed as junk and they can stay that way.

3. June is the month for roses. Which of the following expressions would you say has most recently applied to your life-'everything's coming up roses', 'there's no rose without a thorn', 'came out smelling like a rose', or 'wearing rose-colored glasses'?

I am going with “there’s no rose without a thorn”. We are having siding put on our house and the red-tape is extraordinary. We are not making too many other plans because of it.

4. When grilling outdoors do you prefer gas or charcoal? Who does the grilling at your house? What's the last thing you ate that was cooked on a grill?

We have a gas grill which we use year round. D H does the grilling. We had steak before we left home.

5. Are you afraid of the dark?  No.

6. Share a favorite song with a number in it's title.

Because of the grandchildren I have been singing “3 Little Monkeys” a lot.

7. "Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves."(C.G. Jung). Do you agree? Why or why not?

I agree! Nobody is perfect and I am sure that others see us in different lights as well. An example is – doing laundry. Everyone does it well however everyone does it differently.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

We left the cold wet Canada and landed right in the middle of a heat wave in South Carolina. It is taking a while to get used to it. Fortunately our daughter’s house is air conditioned and they have a pool which is getting used nearly every day. It has been a wonderful vacation.



Time out for Mom


Tuesday, June 3/14
How to woo you?   
What special things does your partner do to flirt, or romance you?

D H and I have been married for 41 years this June. We started out as a high school romance. He was actually my grade 11 math tutor. Anyone remember trigonometry? I failed it. He helped me pass math that year. My mother found him for me. Unfortunately I did not appreciate him and let him go.

Fate intervened when I was older and wiser. I discovered he was the man of my dreams. He finished university and we got married. I originally wanted 12 kids however we settled on 3 within 2 and a half years. It was all we could afford.

We have had our ups and downs although we stay together for the sake of the children and grandchildren. WE have been extremely lucky and share many loves together including our love of travel and cruising. D H does the planning and do the enjoying.

D H does the cooking and the cleaning while I do the laundry. I watch my TV shows and he watches his. We watch `Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy`together. He takes the pictures and put them on the blog.

My advice to newlyweds is KISS (Keep it simple, stupid) WE do a lot of kissing.




Sunday, June 1, 2014



Acting Balanced

Welcome to Monday Quiz About Me - hosted by Heather & Wayne from Acting Balanced.


Here are the Questions:

1. My Mom double dared me to actually post Monday Quiz today after it's two week hiatus... what was the last thing someone dared you to do?

I dared Heather to start blogging again. I understand how busy she and Wayne have been but I miss their blog.

2. Today is National Rocky Road Day - are you celebrating?

I love rocky road ice cream however I celebrated with fudge swirled ice cream instead.

3. June is Aquarium Month - have you visited an Aquarium lately?

Not lately. I think it was last fall when we came to Charleston.

4. Have you had a yummy new food or tried a new recipe lately?

I had tacos for dinner for the first time last night. Thank you Wayne for buying dinner.

And here is my 5th Question:

Have you made summer vacation plans yet?



Let’s travel the world together!

Unknown Mami

We are visiting Charleston, South Carolina this week and D H took the grandsons to the park near Patriot’s Point. This is what they saw:


A live oak!


The bridge!


Carnival “Fantasy” cruise ship (The oldest in the fleet)!


Aircraft carrier!


The USS Watkins beside the cruise ship!