Today's word is BOX:
It is always fun to join Brenda as we ponder words with multiple meanings.
When I think of a box, I think of cardboard. Boxes come in many sizes and shapes. The other day i was looking for a box to hold a ceramic Christmas tree. It had to be 20 inches tall and at least 16 inches wide. So off I went with my tape measure to find the right one.
I use shoe boxes to wrap my homemade gifts in. Fortunately I love shoes so the boxes are always handy. My mother used shoe boxes to store photos and now I have the job of sorting through all of her boxes and cataloguing them.
There is also the feeling of being boxed in. Have you ever been in a tight spot and been unsure of which way to turn? Of course if you box you would do so in a boxing ring.
Where do you like to sit in the theatre? Do you like the boxes of do you prefer the orchestra seats? Personally I like to sit in the centre on the orchestra floor.
There is also a boxer dog. They look so cute.
Have a wonderful day and don’t get boxed in!
Brenda · 529 weeks ago
Thanks for pondering with me
My recent post Box number one, number two or number 3?
tckk 57p · 529 weeks ago
You know sometimes we try to put God in a box just so he fits what we think he should be. So silly of us,. Why would we ever want to box God in. I'd rather see Him in all His glory and marvel at all He is and does.
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romisdg 54p · 528 weeks ago
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