Tuesday, April 21, 2015



Time out for Mom

Each week Leslie at “Time out for Mom” asks us to write about different things. This week she asks -

Tell me about a recent fear that you faced.

I suppose we all have faced many fears especially as we get older. When I was younger it was the fear that something would happen to my children and they wouldn’t be raised properly. Check – did a good job there!

I face the fear of having a car accident so I try to drive carefully and watch out for the other guy. Now that I am retired I don’t miss the rush hour and traffic of going to work.

Of course being retired I think about having enough money to keep in the manner I richly deserve. There has to be enough to be able to keep How long can I remain in my home and not need around the clock care?

The future is always scary however taking it one day at a time and enjoying each day helps.