Friday, May 23, 2014



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Yeah it is Friday and time for 2 of my favourite blogs. I am joining Mrs. 4444 at HalPastKissinTime as well as Hilary at Feelingbeachie.

This has been a busy week as we recover from babysitting our granddaughters. I miss them. They were a lot of fun. Hopefully they will come again.

We are using this week to get ready for our visit to the other grandchildren in Charleston, South Carolina. We have not seen them since before Christmas last year. They are almost finished school so we can have some fun together.

When we get back we will have the siding installed. All of the paper work is in place as well as the protection on the hydro wires. DH will also get the rest of his garden in order. He lost a lot of plants because of the harsh winter. I am sure it will look wonderful when he is done.

This week’s co-host is Eloquent obi.

The statements:

  1.  My grandchildren give lots of reasons to stay healthy.
  2.   I heard honey and cinnamon prevents heart attacks. I love them on toast. DH has them in his coffee.
  3. I wish I could take more cruises.
  4. My hair color is naturally gray and it make me feel wonderful. It also gives me more money and is easy to keep because I don’t have to keep it coloured. I have been red, brown and blonde over the years.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


  1. I have been considerering letting the gray win. It is so expensive and time-consuming to keep the color up.
    I am missing my grandkids and cannot wait for school to get out so we can soend more time together.

  2. Hahaha - I am not there yet with your #4, although I am threatening my husband that I will. I had to dye my hair since I was 20 - so for nearly 30 years... one day the gray will win, but not yet ;)

  3. My hair is naturally grey, too...and I love it, too.

  4. Oh my gosh -- I am not feeling well today - another cold - and my hubby just brought me some toast with honey spread and cinnamon! I don't know if it will prevent heart attacks -- but it definitely tastes very yummy! I'm sold. LOL

    So nice that you had a great visit with your grandchildren. I always worry that we tired my mom out too much when she visits. Mine have never ending energy it seems.

  5. Like you my hair has been every color imaginable and now it is natural grey. I am going to try the honey and cinnamon on toast thing. I have toast every morning so it will be my healthy start to the day.

  6. I am sure that you rock the silver hair! I wish I could go on another cruise, as well. I did one with my BF four years ago and loved it. My hubby is convinced he will hate it so I've never gotten to go again.
    Good luck with the siding and the garden recovery projects.
