Tuesday, March 19, 2013



I hear it's the first day of Spring.
Let it snow!

I am joining Joyce for another Hodge Podge

1. March 20th is the first day of spring...is she a lion or a lamb in your part of the world?

It looks like spring will come in like a lion as mother nature has another kick of winter for us.

2. What's the most dreaded task on your spring clean to-do list?  Do you have a 'plan of attack'?

Painting the kitchen. I left the planning to D H.

3. Peas...love 'em or hate 'em?  What's a favourite dish you make using peas?

I can take them or leave them. Since I don’t cook I don’t use them.

4.  Do you feel under appreciated?

Not very often! When I do I call the grandchildren and they sow their appreciation all of the time.

5. Have you been using Google Reader?  If so, what are you switching to now that GR has announced retirement?  If not, how do you read your favorite blogs?

No I am not a google reader. I read the blogs via the internet.

6. Anne Bradstreet is credited with the following quote~
"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant;  if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome."
Agree or Disagree?  Why?

I agree! If we don’t know the good as well as the bad we can’t appreciate what we have. If I had not worked I would not have the same pleasure being retired.

7.  When did you last 'spring for something'?  What was it?

I sprang for more yarn this weekend. According to D H “a happy wife who knits makes for a happy husband.” So I refreshed my stock with more baby wool. Good thing because I have heard of 7 more babies coming this year.

8.  Insert your own random thought here?

Since we have returned from our vacation we have been constantly busy. I am glad I had the rest and got my knee working again, otherwise I would not get anything accomplished. You will also notice my down time is going to be very busy as well just keeping up with all of the new arrivals. I am going start an aqua fitness class next week and hopefully spring will arrive so that I can resume my walks.