Thursday, January 31, 2013



Welcome to the  weekly Follow Friday Four Fill-in Fun Blog Hop! by Hilary G


This week’s statements:

1. I was probably the only kid in the world who didn’t have a Barbie doll.

2. Tomato is my favourite juice

3. I never thought I would be so happy until I retired.

4. I have always wanted to travel to Australia and New Zealand but I don’t want to fly there.



Pondering with a Purpose - Words with double meanings - close

Welcome to Pondering with a Purpose -

This Week's prompt:Close

So when you look at this word do you think: close the door? or I am close to _____?

As soon as I saw this topic I thought of those pictures where you can see the old woman as well as the young woman with just a blink of the eye. If you say it as Close the door are you thinking about the closing therefore the ending. I have shut many doors in my life as one chapter leads to another. I have left childhood behind when I married and had children of my own. I have left the working world to be retired.

If we look at the word as Close to someone or something then I would have to talk about my family. I am very much into my family. From my parents to my grandchildren I have to keep in touch almost on a daily basis.

Close as a time frame would be that my cruise is very close. I am mostly packed and can hardly wait to leave the cold North for the warm South.

Lastly close could be combined with minded as in close-minded. I hope that no one ever thinks that of me. I like to think that I am open-minded and still willing to learn since I hope to around for a while.

So are you close, close or close!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013



Hoping to be in the cruise ship dining room soon!




How 'bout some Hodgepodge questions? Answer these on your own blog and then scoot back over here on Wednesday to link up with the rest of the Hodgepodge peeps. If you're new here feel free to join the party....the more the merrier!

1.  In the USA this coming Sunday millions will be watching as the Baltimore Ravens take on the San Francisco 49's in the Superbowl.  What was the last event you attended that could be described as super?

The last event I attended that I would consider super was my niece’s wedding. She made a lovely bride and my granddaughter was an excellent flower girl.

2.  Share something you're a fan of these days?

I am a fan of warmer weather and sunshine. We don’t have any here at the moment so I will have to leave home to find it.

3. How do you feel about wings?  In case anyone is confused, I'm talking the edible appetizer kind.  What's your preferred seasoning on a wing-hot, mild, teriyaki, sweet and sour, other?  Do you make your own or is there a favourite place you like to go for wings?   

I am not much of a wing fan. I like them to be mild if I have them at all. I prefer chicken fingers instead.

4.  As long as we're talking sports today...have you followed the Lance Armstrong story?  Did you watch his interview with Oprah and if so what was your reaction to his confession and subsequent remarks?  

No I didn’t watch it. I am not a big fan of any sports so I don’t pay much attention.

5.  What's a question you hate to be asked?  

I can’t think of a question I hate however I love to be asked “Do you qualify for a senior’s discount?” When I answer yes they say I look to young to be a senior.

6. The coaches in this Sunday's big game happen to be real life brothers.  Jim Harbaugh coaches the 49er's and his older brother John Harbaugh coaches the Baltimore Ravens.  Were you and your sibling(s) competitive?  In what way? Are you still?  If you're an only child how did you handle competition growing up?  

I was the oldest so my siblings had to compete with me. I did everything first.

7.  What's your favourite game involving a ball and when did you last play?    

I would have to say Bowling although I only play on the Wii now.

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

D H got a chuckle when I read this out loud as he thinks all of my thoughts are random. Otherwise I have started to pack for our cruise and could leave tomorrow if need be. Instead I have to wait another week or so before we leave. I won’t get to see my parents before I go because they are having a lousy winter. I am looking forward to restocking my wool bag since I have been madly knitting and crocheting. I thought I was ahead in the baby department and found I am several outfits short. It keeps me busy! And out of D H’s hair!!!



Thanks to Les for hosting the Tuesday Coffee Chat.


"What makes you lose track of time? "

On average, how long does it take you to write a blog post?
A couple of minutes?   An hour?


I am a fairly plain blogger. I can add pictures however I haven’t gotten into the videos. I answer most of the blogging questions from the top of my head so they are in real time.  I have found a blog to link  for every day of the week. On Wednesday’s I actually have 2 – Wordless Wednesday as well as Wednesday Hodge Podge.

I started blogging as a way to keep in touch with friends and family and as a record of our trips. D H takes the pictures for me and he puts a lot of effort into thinking about the different topics. Taking pictured also helps to keep us moving since we tend to take pictures of our surroundings rather than people.

I love the interaction that I have gotten when I link to various other blogs. It is nice to hear from people around the world who have different experiences. They are extremely supportive of my efforts.

As far as losing time I can forget about time in the bath. I often read or sleep in the bath. I can lose time when I play with my grandchildren. We get caught up in our reading and playing.

Otherwise I am rather rigid about time. D H and I share the computer so we alternate using it. Right now he is making his breakfast and watching his TV shows while I right this. He will get the computer back and I will get dressed and have my breakfast. D H has a lunchtime program on TV so I will get the computer back. I try to Skype my mother and daughter at this time. I also read through the other blogs and make my comments. This is also the best time to go through my e-mails although I have very few.

I am retired so TIME is my friend. I have lots of it.

Monday, January 28, 2013



Welcome to Monday Quiz About Me - hosted by Acting Balanced and Touristic
Here are FOUR QUESTIONS that everyone can answer and then you have the option to add a fifth question of your own for those who are visiting your blog to answer in the comment section, along with commenting on the four standard questions you answered! Grab the badge for your post if you like:

Acting Balanced

Here are the Questions:

1. On a long road trip do you prefer to be the driver or a passenger? Or do you prefer to travel a different way all together?

I prefer to be the driver however D H and I split the long drives. When he drives I have a nap.

2. Do you use a slow cooker? Favourite thing to make?

If you read this blog before you know I don’t cook. D H doesn’t use a slow cooker however we do like Pot Roast which he cooks slowly in the oven.

3. Which type of festival would you rather go to... Wine and Food, Music or Sports?

We usually attend Jazz festivals. We have a famous Jazz Festival in the summer time which closes down a whole street for about 5 miles. Our friends in Oakville used to invite us to their Jazz festival as well. Not as big but very cozy.

4. What is your favourite fallacy?

I honestly don’t have one.

And don't forget to add a 5th Question on your own blog so we can answer as we hop around!

My 5th question is:

How are you coping with the roller-coaster weather?

I have 3 coats and 3 pair of boots on the go. One minute it is raining, next it snowing and then we get a deep freeze.

Sunday, January 27, 2013



Sundays In My City

Unknown Mami

Thanks to the Unknown Mami for hosting Sundays In My City.



We can hardly wait to be on our cruise. We have started to pack our bags and are getting ready to sail away!

Saturday, January 26, 2013



Thanks to Cate for hosting...

Rollercoaster Weather – Warmth, Deep Freeze, Rain!

Thursday, January 24, 2013



Welcome to the weekly Follow Friday Four Fill-in Fun Blog Hop!



Each week, I plan on listing four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to me at Hilary(at)feelingbeachie(dot)com. If I use them, I will add you as co-host to the hop! This week’s co-host is Beth Ann from It’s Just Life she came up with the last two statements!

I would LOVE it if you could please help me spread the word about this hop…. So, please tweet, FaceBook share, and add the linky to your post…

This week’s statements:

1. Making _love is what has kept our marriage alive for 40 years.

2. I get happy easily especially when my grandchildren call me.

3. The number of emails in my inbox is very few and I delete most of them

4. Traveling on a cruise ship makes me extremely happy.



Pondering with a Purpose - Balance

Welcome to Pondering with a Purpose -


This Week's prompt: Balance

do you feel out of sorts? Off balance?

Or .... how do you keep balance in your life

This is quite the topic that Brenda has chosen today. Let me start by saying that physically I am not completely balanced. I twisted my knee getting up from the computer. The knee is not swollen but is painful. I was unable to dance on Monday night. I am taking epsom salt baths and using arnica on my knee. The good news is that that remedy is working although I pushed myself a little more yesterday. I have to get this knee working for our cruise in just over 2 weeks.

Now on the emotional side I would say I have found a balance in my life. Being retired fits like a glove. I am back to knitting and crocheting. D H and I are sharing the computer and working around the house. We get out for our walks when the weather allows it. We stay in touch with the family.

We have great plans for the rest of the year so there is much to look forward to.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013




Hosted by Joyce at From this side of the pond.

Here are this week's questions.   Here you go~


1. The popular saying, 'All is fair in love and war' is originally credited to English writer John Lyly.  Is he right?

I think this phrase is so far out of context and people use it to get away with actions that they should not do.

2. Are you a cereal eater?  What's your favourite kind?

Absolutely I have even been known to eat cereal before going to bed. My favourites are Corn Flakes, Cheerios, Rice Krispies, Cream of Wheat and Granola.

3. A five year old in Pennsylvania was recently given a ten day school suspension for talking with a friend about shooting one another with a Hello Kitty Bubble gun (the gun blows bubbles).  She did not have the gun with her at school.
A psychological evaluation was also ordered and the incident was recorded on her permanent record.  The suspension was later reduced to two days and her parents are suing to have the incident removed from her file. Your thoughts?  (If you missed the story click here for details).

The world has gone crazy. Talk about an over reaction.

4. Whatever happened to__good manners___________________________?

5.  January 23rd is National Handwriting Day, billed as a day to reacquaint yourself with a pen and pencil.  Do you like your handwriting? Do you prefer to print or write in cursive?  This date was chosen because its the birth date of John Hancock. What's the last thing you signed your name to?

I was a teacher and I get compliments on my writing a lot. I also print as a primary teacher using the ball and stick method.

6. Speaking of John Hancock...ever been to Philadelphia? Do you have any desire to visit the city of Brotherly Love?  

No I have not been to Philadelphia however I drive through Pittsburgh several times a year. I did find out about John Hancock while I was in Boston this summer and toured Quincy, Mass.

7.  Share something funny you've heard a child say.  

When I taught kindergarten I had a principal who would hand deliver our pay cheques once a month. This particular month I was on the floor with a group of students who were using the big blocks. The principal stood at the door looking for me. Finally one of my young students came up to me and said “The man with the yellow socks wants to see you”.  Ever since that day I enjoy a 4 year olds perspective of the world.

8.  Insert your own random thought here

Have you ever stood up and wrenched you knee? Well I did that yesterday. I was getting up from the computer and heard a “crack”. My knee is not swollen however walking is painful. I also had to miss dancing last night. I did take an epsom salts bath and hope it gets better quickly.



Winter’s Past


Going through some old photos and came across this picture of me (green coat) with my sisters and brother.  Those were the days!



Happy Tuesday and welcome to the Chat!

"Have you ever won an Award?"

If not, feel free to pretend and write your acceptance speech.  Don't forget the little people!

I have been proud when I have awards. Many of my awards were in school however I did win a few at work. Now that I am retired my awards come from my Grandchildren. Being know as “The Best Knitter” as awarded by granddaughter E makes me so proud. She tells everyone that I am a frenzy knitter.

I will never win an award for cooking or cleaning my house. I hope I can an award for just being happy!

I am also proud when me children win awards and look forward to my grandchildren adding to them as well.

Just getting Hugs and Kisses is reward enough!

Sunday, January 20, 2013



Welcome to Monday Quiz About Me - hosted by Acting Balanced and Touristic


Here are FOUR QUESTIONS that everyone can answer and then you have the option to add a fifth question of your own for those who are visiting your blog to answer in the comment section, along with commenting on the four standard questions you answered! Grab the badge for your post if you like:

Acting Balanced


Here are the Questions:

1. What was your favourite lunch this past week?

My favourite lunch was a salad made D H. Beside lettuce and carrots he added apples, cranberries, flax seeds and parmesan cheese as well as cooked chicken. I topped it with 3 cheese ranch dressing.

2. Do you shop online?

No! However I do research items on line for prices and availability.

3. Do you get the "Winter Blues"?

I used to get the “Winter Blues” however now that I am retired I can look forward to our winter get away and cruise.

4. Slippers, Socks, Shoes or Bare Feet?

Slippers and when it gets really cold socks in the slippers.

And don't forget to add a 5th Question on your own blog so we can answer as we hop around!

My 5th question is: What did you do this weekend?

I attended the first baby shower of the year. I say first because I know of at least 2 more this winter,

Saturday, January 19, 2013



Looking forward to being here!





Counting down the days!

Thanks to the Unknown Mami for hosting Sundays In My City.

Unknown Mami

Friday, January 18, 2013



Thanks to Cate for hosting Six Word Saturday...


Boy it’s going to cold outside!!

All the more reason to cruise!!

Thursday, January 17, 2013



Welcome to the  weekly Follow Friday Four Fill-in Fun Blog Hop!



Each week, I plan on listing four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to me at Hilary(at)feelingbeachie(dot)com. If I use them, I will add you as co-host to the hop! This week’s co-host is Wayne from Touristic – he came up with the last two statements!

This week’s statements:

1. I am a retired grammy who likes to knit.

2. Sometimes I don’t know when to mind my own business.

1. My two favourite words lately are cruise and blogging.

2. I would like more family time if the winter weather didn’t happen.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013



Pondering with a Purpose - Love thyself?


This Week's prompt: Love thyself

Do you love yourself?

Thank you Brenda for another thought provoking topic. The simple answer is YES!

I learned a long time ago that I am who I am. I am short, fat and wide. I can be loud and opinionated. I laugh out loud and tend to have some wacky ideas. I am a princess who hates housework and I don’t cook. I love babies and enjoy being a grandmother who has tea parties and bakes cookies.If you come to my house I will tell you to ignore the mess and will put the kettle on for tea.

I am the wife of the most amazing man. I don’t deserve him however now that I have him I will keep him. He has stuck by me for 40 years. We have learned to love to travel, especially cruising. We laugh at the most outrageous things and love to pun.

 I am the  mother of 3 wonderful children who have all been educated and have been married off. I love my 2 son-in-laws and my daughter-in-law. I am a grandmother to 3 granddaughters and 2 grandsons. They keep me on my toes. I look forward to #6 who will arrive this spring.

I am not into sports and exercise however I do like to walk and swim when I can. If you don’t want to see me in a bathing suit, “DON’T LOOK!”

I try to be a good sister to my 2 younger siblings and I talk to my parents every day.

I don’t mean to brag however this is about me!IMG_4541

Tuesday, January 15, 2013



Here are this week's questions for the Wednesday Hodgepodge...everyone is welcome to play along.  Answer on your own blog then scoot back over here tomorrow (that would be Wednesday) to link answers with everybody and their brother.  More or less.


1. Lake Superior University has once again published a list of words/phrases they think should be banished from the Queen's's the list for 2013-

fiscal cliff, kick the can down the road, double down, job creators/creation, passion/passionate, yolo (an acronym for you only live once), spoiler alert, bucket list, trending, superfood, boneless wings, and guru

Which of these words/phrases would you most like to see banished from everyday speech and why. Go here to read more about how the words were chosen.

Living in Canada I got very tired of hearing about “the fiscal cliff”. Why can’t a country as big as the United States not have their economy in order? How can they tell the rest of the world how they should live?

2.  When was the last time you rode a train?  Where did you go?

The last time I rode I train I went to the Agawa Canyon which is north of Sault Ste Marie in Canada.We also rode the Timber train out of Matawa.  That vacation was called trains, boats, automobiles and no planes.

3. Bagels-yay or nay?  Favourite 'flavour'?  Favourite topping?

I am not a fan of bagels. I find them to hard to chew. I prefer a muffin. Banana nut is usually my first choice.

4.  'Tis the season of awards shows...if you could star in a movie already made which one would you choose?

As everyone knows “Gone with the wind” is my favourite movie.

5. The move towards single gender classrooms has been making the news in recent months....what say you?  Do you think kids perform better if separated by gender and are taught differently or is that discrimination?  If you're a parent, is this something you'd support in regards to your own children?

I have never been a fan of separating children by gender or even by ability. Everyone learns at there own pace however everyone also learns from others.

6. What's your favourite thing about staying in a hotel?

We stay in lots of hotels especially since we travel back and forth to see our grandchildren. I love the big beds. At home D H and I share a double bed. When travelling we try for a king size bed or 2 doubles.

7. Do you have a 'word' for 2013?  What's the story behind your choice?

If you are a regular follower of this post then you will know that I use the word “cruise” often. We have 3 cruises booked this year with a total of 70 days on the water.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

The cold weather is back. We had a fabulous weekend where the temperatures actually broke a record. It felt good to dress down however winter’s blast is back and we are bundling again. Just makes us look forward to leaving it behind in less than a month.






It is unusual these days to see a yellow outfit since most new parents want to know ahead of time. These new parents are the exception.



Tuesday Coffee Chat - Favourite Thing To Do


Thanks to Les for hosting the coffee chat.  The topic for this week is:

"At the end of the day, my favourite thing to do is......"

I got the song “My Favourite Things” stuck in my head so please forgive me as I adapt the lyrics to be more me!


 Definitely the roses and kittens for me
 Kettles with homemade soup and my knitted mittens
Beautifully wrapped presents from the grandchildren
These are a few of my favourite things

Long walks on beaches and warm apple pie.
 Waltzing and dancing and pot roast with carrots
Robins, cardinals and blue jays that sing in the morning
These are a few of my favourite things

 Grandchildren that Skype me and call on the phone
 Pictures of everyone laughing and having fun
 Sunrises and breathtaking sunsets on our cruises.
These are a few of my favourite things

When the snow flies
When the cold comes

When I’m feeling sad
I simply remember my favourite things
And then I don't feel so bad

Sunday, January 13, 2013



Welcome to Monday Quiz About Me - hosted by Acting Balanced and Touristic
Here are FOUR QUESTIONS that everyone can answer and then you have the option to add a fifth question of your own for those who are visiting your blog to answer in the comment section, along with commenting on the four standard questions you answered! Grab the badge for your post if you like:

Acting Balanced

Here are the Questions:

1. What is your favourite animal?

I would have to say my favourite animal is a horse although I have never owned one and don’t know how to ride. I had the usual teenage crush on horses.

2. What is your favorite quote?

“Dance like no one is watching”

3. What is the one trait that you have that definitely comes from one of your parents?

I am outgoing and love to party. My father knows everybody. My mother used to send me out to meet the neighbours when they moved in on the street.

4. If you had a choice between going to a tropical island or a ski resort which would you choose and why?

Neither choice because I would pick a cruise although I prefer warm weather rather than cold. I am also not a skier. My idea of apres ski is hot chocolate in front of a warm fire.

And don't forget to add a 5th Question on your own blog so we can answer as we hop around!

Do you have a household project planned?

D H just finished painting the dining room so now we will move onto the kitchen.

Saturday, January 12, 2013



Thanks to the Unknown Mami for hosting Sundays In My City.

Unknown Mami


D H painted the dining room!

IMG_4950 Stitch




Thanks to Cate for hosting...

A Great Beginning to the Year!

The dining room has been painted!

Friday, January 11, 2013



Welcome to the weekly Follow Friday Four Fill-in Fun Blog Hop!  by hilaryg



This week’s co-host is Leslie from Time out for Mom – she came up with the last statement!

This week’s statements:
1. When I get a chance to sit I pick up my knitting or crocheting.

2. It is pretty funny that I participate in Wordless Wednesday and Sunday in the City blogs and I don’t take the pictures.

3. It may be strange but I do most of my work on the computer in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep.

4. How  being retired has  made me appreciate time.

Thursday, January 10, 2013



Welcome to Pondering with a Purpose - brought to you by Brenda Youngerman



This Week's prompt: Involvement

Now this is where it is coming from. I quote, this is what I heard, "Your children are off on their own with their own lives now, you need to be less involved with them every day."

I can not go along with  this statement. I am pleased to say I am involved with my children as well as my parents. Even though my oldest daughter is in another country and my parents live in another city 4 and half hours away.

I thank the internet for being around. Skype is amazing. I often speak several times a day with my oldest daughter H and her family. It is fabulous watching my grandchildren grow before my eyes. When grandson E said “Hi Grammy” and when grandson L gets on the computer to share his spelling and reading makes my heart sing. Even my granddaughter R takes a break from her studies once in a while.

My middle daughter C lives the closest. She calls every day on her way home from work. It is easy to keep up with her days this way. We also shop together every weekend.

There is also my son M and his wife M with their 2 daughters E and F. Even though they live half an hour away the girls will call us and talk about their days as well. They are a busy family and I am their back-up baby sitter. I have the privilege of being there today as a matter of fact.

I also keep in touch with my mother through the internet. I again use Skype and we talk every day. I know when she is not feeling well and when she got her new glasses. My Dad even says hi. The other day both were wearing the same type of shirts. My mother loves reading my blog as  well as my daughter’s and son-in-law’s.

Even when D H and I travel we stay in touch with the family.

So I think I am involved with my children. I don’t always give advice unless I am asked however to me just hearing from them is a blessing.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013



Questions for the Wednesday Hodgepodge:

Some weeks the Hodgepodge seems to roll around faster than others, doesn't it? Here are this weeks questions...

1. What is ONE thing or area in your home or life you hope to report is completely organized when 2013 draws to a close?  Do you  have a plan to make it happen?

The house is in the beginning stages of being repainted. The dining room ceiling was done yesterday. On with the walls!

2. What's the worst uniform you've ever had to wear for a job?

I only had one job that required a uniform and that was my first job with the City as a park attendant. Keeping it washed was the hardest part.

3. What was your last kitchen 'mishap'?  This question comes to you courtesy of Betty who blogs over at A Glimpse Into Midlife...everyone go say hi to Betty!

Since I don’t cook I only bake so the last mishap in the kitchen was when the apple pie overflowed on the wrong baking pan. D H complained it was too hard to clean however he fixed anyway.

4. How do you protect yourself from other people's negativity?

Essentially being a positive person I tried laughter and joking with other people. I also give them another perspective if I can.

5. Who in your family do you favour most (physically)? If you have children, who do people say they favour? Do you agree?

I can honestly say I am throwback to my grandmother.

img026The only difference is that she was 4foot 11 inches and I am 5 foot 3 inches. She loved tea and reading and adored children. She was my inspiration and life-saver.

My middle daughter C is almost a perfect image of my sister P except in height. They have moles in the same place as well as the same shaped fingernails.

6. January 8th is National Bubble Bath Day...will you be celebrating?

Absolutely! bring on the bubble bath.

7.  Some of the 'world's best winter festivals' are - Mardi Gras (New Orleans), Quebec Winter Festival (Canada), Sundance Film Festival (Park City, Utah),  Rio Carnivale (Brazil), Sapporo Snow Festival (Japan), Venice Carnival (Italy) and the Harbin Ice Festival (Northern China).  Of those listed (and if cost were not a factor) which would you most like to attend and why?

I would love to do Mardi Gras in New Orleans. New Orleans is on my bucket list.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I hope everyone notices the countdown clock on my blog. D H is getting his tour hat on and looking for places of interest in Tampa. We will be spending an extra day in Tampa as we meet up with our friends who surprised us by joining the cruise.  Not only did they get a good deal on the cruise buying it last minute but they got the room right next door to us. How cool is that? Now I have think about what to pack. There are 4 formal dinners and 10 casual ones. We love to dress up for dinner but do I go long or short?

D H has put his foot down and I can only take one suitcase this time. Last cruise we took 7 suitcases. The advantage of driving and not flying however our cruise in August does require a flight so this is a practice. It is an exciting time.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013



This baby outfit was worn by my son 35 years ago when he came home from the hospital. It is now being given back in readiness for his son’s arrival in April.

The blanket is new!

The model is my doll that I have had since I was 5 years old.








Tuesday Coffee Chat

Thanks Les for hosting Tuesday Coffee Chat.  The topic for this week is...

"In the coming year, I would like to....."

Stay close to my family. I would like to spend time with my parents as well as my children and grandchildren.

It will be an exciting year as D H and I celebrate 40 years of “wedded bliss”. We hope to celebrate with a big party and since the kids have decided to pay for it we hope to have a lot of fun.

We are also going 3 cruises this year. And if you read this blog often enough you may get sick of hearing about them. Also the countdown clock has been updated so you can count down with us.

We will also be getting a new family member in April. We hope to greet our new grandson. That will 6 grandchildren, 3 girls and 3 boys. I wonder if there will be a tie-breaker as well.

I have also increased my knitting and crocheting ventures to include knitted baby outfits as well as the crocheted blankets. So far I am able to fulfill 4 baby requests and I am sure there will be more.

D H is going to spruce up the house. He will start in the dining room and will paint the walls and ceilings. As everyone know once you paint one room you might as well paint them all because the rest will look dull in comparison.

We hope we can stay healthy!

All in all we hope it is a good year!

Sunday, January 6, 2013



Welcome to Monday Quiz About Me - hosted by Acting Balanced and Touristic
Here are FOUR QUESTIONS that everyone can answer and then you have the option to add a fifth question of your own for those who are visiting your blog to answer in the comment section, along with commenting on the four standard questions you answered! Grab the badge for your post if you like:

Acting Balanced

Here are the Questions:

1. What do you think the biggest downside to being rich and famous would be?

The problem with being rich and famous is the notoriety that comes with it. Money can’t buy happiness although it does make life easier. Do we have to have the fame to go with it?

2. What is the most interesting news article you read or heard about last week?

Canada's unemployment rate drops to 4-year low

3. Who kissed you for the first time?

I think his name was Cameron Kyle in kindergarten. I had to ask my mother to be sure.

4. How much do you typically tip at a decent sit down restaurant?

Our usual tip is 15 %.

And don't forget to add a 5th Question on your own blog so we can answer as we hop around!

My 5th question is:

What would you give up to stay on a tight budget?



Thanks to the Unknown Mami for hosting Sundays In My City.

Unknown Mami



Saturday, January 5, 2013



Looking forward to cruising through 2013!

It’s time to begin the countdown!

The first one is to the Caribbean!

Thursday, January 3, 2013




1. Every time I see an ad for a cruise  I ooh and ah…

2. I don’t have a young person in my body

3. I like ketchup  on my burgers

4. If I had one more hour in the day I would knit some more.



Pondering with a Purpose - Time flies


Welcome to Pondering with a Purpose -

This is Brenda's weekly hop where she posts a prompt and you get to write to it on your - come back here and add it to her linky and then we all get to go read what you wrote!

She started Pondering with a Purpose because -- simply put -- She's a writer - - that is what she does ! And although I love following all the hops, I wanted to see if I could bring out some creativity in not only myself, but some of my blogger friends as well.

This Week's prompt: time

Do you seem to think that time is flying by? Obviously when we are the middle of a crisis or a tough situation it seems to be creeping and crawling.... that's not what I'm talking about... I'm talking about time as a whole...

Time is one of those elements that just keeps on ticking.  Make time for the important things in life. As a child time was used to grow up. When you are a teenager you want to be an adult. As an adult you want to get married and have a family. As a mother I wanted a baby. Once the babies came it was time to send them to school. Then it was get the children married off and have grandchildren.

Time is measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years. The more years we have the more time we can spend pondering. I have often played the “What if?” game. Would we be in the same place if we had made different choices?

How we use time is also important. Do you use time to keep a house clean, play with children, read books, create something, visit with friends or go for a walk? Should we let things like work get in the way of our time?

Looking back on nearly 61 years I think time has flown by. I have seen the changes in myself and in the people around me. However I now looking forward and can hardly wait for time to catch up to my dreams.

What will time be like in another 60 years?